Thursday, July 16, 2009

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[edit] Steps
Get some perspective. High school is not the be-all, end-all. Just because you were unpopular in high-school doesn't mean you'll be unpopular your whole entire life. Some of the most famous and wealthy people were high school rejects. Things change and high school doesn't last forever. The most important thing is to get through high school so you can enter the next phase in your life.
Identify the things you feel you miss or lack by not having a best friend and brainstorm how you can fill those "holes" in other, positive ways. For example, if you hate being alone on Saturday nights, find a regular activity to do at that time.
Don't put yourself down by negatively comparing yourself to other people. No one is perfect. Everyone has problems, some people are just better at hiding them. Ms. Popularity might have things ten times worse than you.
Be thankful for what you do have. You still have your health, your personality, your family, your talents, your interests, etc.
Challenge yourself by trying something new that you've always wanted to do -- maybe it's joining the drama club or learning how to ride a horse or taking Japanese lessons at the community college. It may sound corny, but being a "best friend" to yourself is important. Sometimes, people with a lot of "best friends" actually aren't very happy or comfortable with themselves.
Be your own best friend. Focus on the positive things about yourself. Stand up for yourself. Don't be hard on yourself for not having a "best friend." Think of the things that people like about you. Write them down and remind yourself, as needed.
Don't judge people based on the surface. Don't dismiss other types of people who may seem more popular than you as not being able to "get" you. They might be able to understand more than you think.
Join a club. You may meet new friends; you may not. The important thing is to have something else to focus on to make school tolerable.
Develop interests outside of school. Take music or dance lessons. Volunteer. Go to the library or movies. Act or create sets for a local theater production. Get a weekend or after school job.
Don't lose hope. Acknowledge that not having a best friend in high school may make you feel sad or lonely at times. That's okay, because having friends causes heartaches a lot of the time, too.
Develop a stronger relationship with your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. They're older and have more experience, therefore, they have a lot of advice to give.
Use your teachers as mentors.
Be a good example to the people who are your classmates, friends or acquaintances or someone who could use support, such as a transfer student. Having many positives connections can really add up.
Talk to someone about your problems. Venting is therapeutic. Find someone you can trust like an older sibling, a parent, family member, a clergy member or a professional therapist.
Hang out with people who aren't in your grade or who go to another school. Go on Facebook and randomly "poke" people near you or get a MySpace and make new friends there.
Focus on your schoolwork, getting into college and getting a job.
Be open and patient. Don't "commit" yourself to not having a close friend in high school. Quality friendships can take time.
Having a best friend doesn't mean everything. Sure, people who do sometimes have more people to depend on, but maybe one day you'll have a really good best friend who actually understands you.

[edit] Tips
If you do want to remain open to the possibility of making a best friend, ask someone you trust if they think there are ways you could be a close friend to people. Sometimes, if we feel hopeless (or even too eager) about finding a best friend, we don't pay attention to the things that really matter.
Joining after-school programs/clubs is probably the best/easiest way to make friends.
Don't be afraid.
To avoid becoming "bitter", use your negativity as sarcastic jokes. Just don't let the sarcasm become truth.
Get involved in a one person sports (like skateboarding, biking, swimming,hiking)
Get involved in a one person hobby (drawing, collecting, training a pet)
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